Free Book: The Art of Meaningful Change

This book contains my collected thoughts and insights on how to make meaningful change happen, both at work and at home!

It covers a step by step discovery of a wide array of leadership principles, tools and activities that are useful in both our day to day lives, as well as building enhanced resilience and productivity to further our careers. It does so building on the axiom of everyone having intrinsic value and potential, illustrated by personal experiences.

What People Say About My Book

Big Three Cover Art.jpg

My book is a 100% free online resource, I believe in paying it forward!

How do you want to play your Game of Life?


Personal Leadership - The Art of Meaningful Change (F&F edition).pdf

Free Workshop: Become Your Best Leader

Explore how the Big Three framework kickstarts and sustains your career development. Observe my coaching and training style and see what resonates with you. Work along the recording to gain clarity on where you are, where you need to go and the pathway of actionable steps that lies between the two. Put your Roadmap to becoming your best leader into action!

Workshop documentation to work along with the video. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out. See ‘Free Coaching Session’ below for contact details.

Free Coaching Session: Get Your Personalized Tools

Poke me on LinkedIn or schedule an initial coaching session on calendly for us to meet and assess not only if we make a good fit, but the tools and techniques that are especially valuable to you. I will provide you with a selection tailored to your needs to get you going and achieve real impact!